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Solo Travel

Solo Travel

I’ve never been a person who has dreamed of solo travel; and I’m fairly confident that most people feel the same way. After finding myself in a position where I either had to travel on my own or not at all, I started to plan my first trip. After finding my footing, my second, third and fourth solo trips closely followed.  

If you’re someone who loves alone time, this style of travel won’t be completely out of your comfort zone. I’m naturally someone who likes my alone time, so this wasn’t completely out of my comfort zone. That being said, I was not used to having no one to rely on when navigating new countries or when plans unexpectedly went awry. While I do have a hand full of stories that chronicle those struggles in a very real way, the majority of my time spent traveling alone was positive.

If you’re looking to plan a solo trip here are my top five tips:

  1. Pack lightly- you shouldn’t have any more than 1-2 carry-on sized bags with you. Mobility is key when traveling alone. You don’t have people with you to help you carry your bags up the train station steps or watch them as you try to navigate the map to your hotel or hostel.
  • Understand the area before you arrive. Make sure you have a rough understanding of the city you are visiting. Traveling alone requires you to be more alert- staring at the map on your phone with your head down for long periods of time isn’t going to cut it. I would also suggest collecting the city maps that are on the front desk of wherever you’re staying. They’re great for planning out your days as well as having a back-up in case something happens to your phone.
  • Wake up early and do your best to utilize all the daylight available to you. Being out at night alone in a city you are unfamiliar with isn’t always the best idea.
  • Have all of your transportation details figured out before you leave. For me, this was my biggest concern before taking my first trip. Making sure I got on all the right trains/buses and getting off at the right stops, was the only thing I was concerned with. Everything will figure itself out after that.
  • Enjoy yourself. Yes, it can be slightly lonely at times when you realize you are the only one there to enjoy the excitement and happiness that you receive from being in a new place. Make sure not to dwell on this feeling for too long. Try to enjoy the moment you’re in. You’ll never get to relive that day again. Being present and open to new experiences is the best gift you can give yourself.

While traveling solo is not my first choice, I’m so happy I did. While I’d like to think I know myself well, I have to admit that I learned considerably more traveling alone. I realized how adaptable I am able to be while at the same time understanding that I have the ability to ‘figure it out.’ I can completely rely on myself- and that’s empowering! Try doing this yourself. You can start small- take a weekend trip somewhere close and enjoy the time spent alone. You will never regret investing time in yourself!

Don’t forget to keep a journal of your adventures!


The Rehn LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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