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Museum Essentials: How to Get the Most Out of Your Visit

Museum Essentials: How to Get the Most Out of Your Visit

Art is an experience not an object

Robert Motherwell

Museums are for everyone. You don’t have to have a deep wealth of knowledge about art history or an understanding of every genre, medium or style used in each work to enjoy yourself. Whether you love architecture, great cafes, shops, people watching or places that bring peace to your soul, visiting a museum is a gift to yourself. You might even enjoy the art!

My love for museums has evolved over time. I say this not because I didn’t have an innate love for art but this evolution has allowed for a complete appreciation for the experience itself. Over time I came to realize that a museum brought me peace like no other place could. Sitting among works that people had poured their heart and soul into is inspiring and healing.

Here are some ideas to make the most out of your next museum experience:

Before You Go:

  • Check out the museum website to get some background on current exhibits or events happening.
  • See if the museum has their own app- this can provide you with a map of the museum, descriptions of the art, audio clips and virtual tours. If the museum does not have their own app, check out Rick Steves Audio Tours app this is one of my favorites for museum and city tours.
  • Buy tickets ahead of time. This is key if you are visiting the more iconic museums- the lines can be brutal, especially in larger cities i.e The Uffizi, Galleria dell’Accademia, Vatican Museums
  • Look to see if the museum has admission free or discount days/afternoons. You can save upwards to $20 if you visit during these times.
  • Bring headphones if you downloaded an app that has guided tours or audio clips.

At The Museum:

  • Take your time. If you are struggling to understand the artwork take the time to read the descriptions. You will have a deeper appreciation and understanding for the art as well as the artist.
  • Take advantage of the guided tours. You can learn so much about not only about the art but also the museum itself.
  • Soak it in. Typically, each exhibit has benches to sit on. Take a seat and appreciate where you are – surrounded by history, intention and creative genius.
  • If the art isn’t your thing, take time to appreciate the architecture. Appreciate that in a museum, everything is intentional.
  • Don’t be discouraged if you don’t love the artwork. Art is an avenue for critical thinking and refinement of thought. What speaks to you may not speak to anyone else. However, I challenge you to be open and consider the artist’s intention- this may result in you appreciating the art more than you thought you would. 
  • Check out the museum store. They have everything from coffee table books, jewelry, and ceramics to special finds from local artists.
  • Stop by the café. If you are in a museum with a café take advantage of it! Order a coffee and take a seat. You’ll love the people watching while surrounded by beautiful art- what could be better?
  • You don’t have to see the entire museum. If you are short on time, don’t rush yourself. You are not obligated to see every work in a museum. Truthfully, if you are in a larger museum like the Louvre you wont be able to see the entire museum in a day. Appreciate what you were able to see and start to plan your next trip back!

Ultimately, you control your own experience. Explore the museum at your own pace, in your own style. Art is for everyone- don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. If you give it a chance, art will refine your thinking, expand your mind and give you insight into who you are and who you want to become.  

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